Five key ideas about Televitis
Televitis is a R&D group working in University of La Rioja and Institute of Grapevine and Wine Sciences (ICVV). It intends to support and develop the investigation in precision viticulture and the application of new technologies to the vineyard.
It was founded by Javier Tardáguila en 2008.
Televitis group develops new methods of plant phenotyping to characterize the anatomic and physiological vine characteristics using non destructive methods in the field.
Precision viticulture allows improving grape quality because it allows for the segmentation of homogeneous subregions, enabling the application of the best practices for each case. Precision viticulture supposes a clear commitment for sustainable agriculture, so that i makes easier the optimization of the resources, both natural and human.
Televitis creates solutions for the grapevine and wine indusry using in-house developed algorithms and patents. Televitis team works in the development of non invasive sensors, allowing for the monitoring of the productive yield, grape composition and vineyard water status in a quick, non invasive manner.
The future of Viticulture depends on integrating all these sensors on mobile platforms, either manually driven or phenomobiles (quads, tractores, drones) or autonomous (robots). We are refering to Smart Agriculture (SmartAg).
"The development of mobile platforms and of robotic tools ease the real world application of precision viticulture"
Televitis Chronology
Televitis group begins its research work on precision viticulture.2010
Televitis group starts applying ground and aerial thermography in the vineyard.2011
Televitis participates in its first european project Modem-Ivm2014
Development and coordination of eurpean project VineRobot begins.2014
Firsts patents obtained by Televitis.2015
Launch of the mobile app vitisFlower® and participation in the european project Resolve.2016
European project VineScout.2019
European project NoPest.