Prof. Javier Tardáguila
Founder of Televitis Group
Dr. Javier Tardaguila is Full Professor of Precision Viticulture at the University of La Rioja (Spain). Prof. Tardaguila works in precision viticulture, robotics and emerging technologies in grape growing. He was the Coordinator of VineRobot European project and currently he is the PI of NoPest H2020 project that explores new solutions to counteract oomycete infections in agriculture. He is involved in several European and national research projects in viticulture and new technologies. He also is the author of over 85 publications in indexed journals (h index =27). Prof. Tardaguila has been actively involved in the technological transfer to the wine industry in collaboration to several national and international companies. He is Associate Editor of “Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research”. Prof. Tardaguila has been Vice-president of Research and Knowledge Transfer at the University of La Rioja.

Dr. María Paz Diago
Associate Professor
Maria-Paz Diago is Associate Professor in Viticulture, at the University of La Rioja (Spain). She holds a M.S. in Viticulture and Enology (UCDavis, California) and a PhD in Food and Agricultural Sciences (University of La Rioja, Spain). Over the last 14 years her research line has focused on the application and development of non-invasive technologies for plant phenotyping and vineyard monitoring, in the context of precision viticulture Dr. Diago has participated in more than 22 R+D+i projects (European, national and regional), and has co-authored more than 65 scientific papers in SCI journals and more than 70 communications to congresses and meetings (h index =24). Dr. Diago is associate editor of “Oeno One” and “Agronomy” journals and expert evaluator for the EU Commission and several national research agencies. She belongs is also researcher at the Instituto de Ciencias de la Vid y del Vino (ICVV), in La Rioja, Spain, and coordinates an official Master program in Viticulture and Winemaking at the University of La Rioja (Spain).

Dr. Juan Fernández Novales
Post-doctoral investigator
His main research tasks in the group are the spectral preprocessing and data analysis, along with the development and evaluation of quantitative and qualitative models in precision viticulture. Dr. Fernández is specialist in the application of NIRS technology and hyperspectral imaging in the agri-food field. Juan Fernández is PhD with European Doctorate Mention in Biosciences and Agri-Food Sciences. He obtained a Master of Viticulture and Agri-Food Science. He also owns a Bachelor in Technique Agricultural Engineering and Bachelor in Enology.

Ignacio Barrio
Ignacio Barrio is an expert in non-invasive sensors, technologies integration and robotics in precision viticulture. At present, he works as investigator and developer in the European project NoPest in the Televitis group. Ignacio Barrio has participated in the European projects VineRobot and VineScout. He holds a Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science (University of La Rioja, Spain).

Inés Hernández
PhD student
Her PhD thesis is focused on plant disease detection using machine vision and artificial intelligence. Her research activity at the Televitis group is part of the European project NoPest.
Inés Hernández holds a Degree in Computer Science (University of La Rioja) and a Master in Data Science and Computer Engineering with specialization in Data Science and Intelligent Technologies (University of Granada, Spain).
- Dr. Borja Millán
- Dra. Clara Rey
- Dr. Fernando Palacios
- Dr. Juan Antonio Blanco
- Dr. Javier Baluja
- Ms. Laura Moreno
- Dr. Salvador Gutierrez
- Marjolaine Chatin. SupAgro Montpellier. France.
- Daniel Sepúlveda. Universidad de Talca. Chile.
- Miguel Marañón. Universidad de La Rioja. Spain.
- Cassandra Collins. Senior Lecturer in Viticulture. University of Adelaide. Australia
- Carlos Poblete. Associate Professor in Advance viticulture, Digital Agriculture and Water Management. University of Stellenbosch & SAGWRI. South Africa.
- Francisco Rovira. Associate Professor. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Spain.
- José Blasco. Coordinator of the Agricultural Engineering Center. Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias. Spain.
- Manfred Stoll. Head of the Department of General and Organic Viticulture. Hochschule Geisenheim University. Germany
- Pedro Melo-Pinto. Full Professor in Engineering. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Portugal.
- Roberta de Bei. Researcher. University of Adelaide. Australia.
- Salvador Gutierrez. Full Professor in Computer Science. Universidad de Cádiz. Spain.
- Samuel Ortega. Full Professor in Agricultural Engineering. Universidad de Talca. Chile.
- Sigfredo Fuentes. Lecturer in Wine Science. University of Melbourne. Australia.
- Stefano Poni. Full Professor in Viticulture. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Italy.